1. Follies of Value Investors
A brief look at two attitudes held by value investors which are not only childish but inhibitive to our learning.
2. Shareholders Have Beef with Steak n Shake (SNS)
Sardar Biglari's Lion Fund increased its stake in Steak n Shake and the activist billboards and websites go up. I'm guessing he will also be putting the new cash from Western Sizzlin's rights offering to work on this situation as well shortly.
3. Prem Watsa has never been more bearish
The head of Fairfax Financial had a front-row seat when the Japanese market began its 15-year retreat. And he thinks the U.S. indexes might be about to do the same. Click on FULL STORY for all.
4. @VIC: Greenlight Capital's David Einhorn - Lehman's a Short
Fund manager Amit Chokshki attended this week's 3rd Annual New York Value Investing Congress on behalf of Seeking Alpha. Here are Amit's notes from the presentation of David Einhorn, Greenlight Capital:
5. @VIC: Whitney Tilson & Glenn Tongue - EMC Stub, Resource America and Berkshire Hathaway
Fund manager Amit Chokshki attended this week's 3rd Annual New York Value Investing Congress on behalf of Seeking Alpha. Here are Amit's notes from the presentation of T2 Partners' Whitney Tilson and Glenn Tongue:
6. @VIC: Omega's Leon Cooperman on Teledyne's Henry Singleton and Share Buybacks
Fund manager Amit Chokshki attended the 3rd Annual New York Value Investing Congress this week on behalf of Seeking Alpha. Here are Amit's notes from the presentation of Leon Cooperman, Omega Advisors:
7. @VIC: Rich Pzena - 'Freddie Mac's the Cheapest Stock I've Ever Seen'
Fund manager Amit Chokshki attended this week's 3rd Annual New York Value Investing Congress on behalf of Seeking Alpha. Here are Amit's notes from the presentation of Rich Pzena, Pzena Investment Managment:
8. USG @ $36/share: A Huge Bargain
At current levels, I can't find a better risk/reward stock in the market than USG.
9. Warren Buffett Going Global: Becky's Video Diary
"In this web-only video clip shot with my own trusty minicam, you'll see some additional footage from Becky's "video diary" as she tells us what really happens "behind-the-scenes."
10. Quants, charts and trends, oh my!
A response to "The Follies of Value Investors" - The comparison between the returns of different value / quant funds - Number of employees working for Lampert, Pabrai, Buffett - Investing with great allocators